A lot of times when you are traveling, you wind up in an area where you don’t have cell phone service. Or maybe, you just don’t want to use data and incur a fee. If you have come to rely…

A lot of times when you are traveling, you wind up in an area where you don’t have cell phone service. Or maybe, you just don’t want to use data and incur a fee. If you have come to rely…
I’m a big fan of RideWithGPS. I have been using it for many years to develop routes and download them to my Garmin devices. A few years ago they came out with an app for your smartphone and with a…
Getting through security or customs at the airport can be a challenge. Perhaps equally challenging is figuring out which program you might want to sign up for to help get through security faster. TSA-Pre? Global Entry? Nexus? And what is…
It used to be that we would only ride if the weather were at least 55 degrees. We’re also skiers, so when we thought about it, if we go out to ski in the cold, why not go out to…
We LOVE all things tandem! Anyone who visits us knows it. A few years ago, our daughter thought we had too much and took pictures of all the tandem things – over 50! – around the house and posted them…
We’ve all heard it – “She’s not pedaling!” I actually like to hear that. At least people see us on the road. I usually say something like, “You mean I need to pedal too?!!!” or “SHHH! He didn’t know!” But…
This is for those of you that use Garmin Edge devices on your bikes. If you’ve used your device for a while and are anything like me, you probably have a love/hate relationship with your device. When it’s working properly,…
So, we all make mistakes. Hopefully we learn from them. Sometimes it’s really great when someone else makes a mistake and you can learn from their missteps, without having to mess up yourself. In this newsletter, I hope to…
As we prepare for a scouting trip in The Netherlands and for our Loire Valley trip, we thought it might be useful to share a few thoughts on things to look into before you travel abroad. A lot of these…
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